Register today for VBS 2022!

Student Ministries

Connecting middle and high school students to Jesus, each other, and the life of the church.

Youth Group

Sundays, 4-6pm

Youth Group gatherings consist of games, a short reflection on that morning's sermon, and small group discussion. Join us at the youth building in the back of our campus.

Mid-week Bible Studies

Groups meet throughout the week to go deeper in Scripture. These studies are split up based on age and gender. 
Middle School Boys (6th-8th)
Every other Tuesday, 6:30-7:30pm.

This group meets at Creekside. For more info, fill out the form below.
Middle School Girls (6th-8th)
Every other Tuesday, 6:30-7:30pm.

This group meets in the OAG Room on Creekside's campus. For more info, fill out the form below.
High School Boys (9th-12th)
Every other Thursday, 6:15-7:30pm.

This group meets at the Graybill home. For more info, fill out the form below.
High School Girls (9th-12th)
We aren't currently offering a study for high school girls. However, if the interest is expressed, we're open to launching a group!

For more information, fill out the form below.

Got Questions?

Use this form to let us know!