Register today for VBS 2022!

When and Where?

Monday-Friday, July 22-26, 2024
9a-12p each day

Theme Verse

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

- Romans 12:2

Each Day Includes...


Kids will learn songs and motions related to this year's theme.


Working with their hands allows the day's lesson to go deeper.


A time of fun keeps the creative juices flowing! 


A little rejuvenation around the snack table helps move the day along.


Kids will learn age-appropriate lessons related to the theme verse.

Bible Memory

Kids will also work on committing this year's verse to memory. 

Volunteers Needed!

Creekside's VBS relies on dozens of background-checked volunteers.

Our Location

2640 NW 39th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32605

VBS Sunday

Join us at 10:30am on Sunday, July 28, for a VBS-themed worship service.

Still want to learn more?

Take one of these three steps to get to know us a little better before you visit.